New Billionaire on the Block • CEO Letter #30

Greetings geeks, it's Taylor 🤓 Still on that educational ish since last time. Before we dive in I gotta remind you that I'm the CEO of Hedgehog, where you can track and trade whatever bizarre assortment of tokens, exchanges, and crypto wallets is most delightful to your own unique heart. Hedgehog enables an all-in-one custom experience!

Promo finished — my team would scold me if I didn't include that. Okay, I'll admit, it's a little bit fun for me too. How could I be CEO without enthusiasm for the pitch?!

Don't forget, there's a Ledger Nano S giveaway at the end of every newsletter.

Speaking of CEOs, meet crypto billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried, legendary trader and now founder of the exchange FTX. He actually sounds pretty close to a normal dude, which… makes sense? I too am a normal human person, after all. In addition, Bankman-Fried sounds very smart and driven (no comment on myself).

The point is, if you're interested in how Sam Bankman-Fried made a fortune in crypto, click on that link to read all about it — including a convoluted arbitrage that required physically traveling to Japan! Not a bad job perk, except in my mental image he's jet-lagged and rushing through the airport. And now in my mental image I am getting ramen… okay, time to move on.

Tldr: Is Sam Bankman-Fried secretly a lizard person? Not as far as I can tell.

Crypto domain names! Like vitalik.eth, but you can snag one for yourself if you’re willing to pay the gas fees. Lipsa Das explains how these simplified addresses work, why they're embraced by the Ethereum community, and how you can get the hookup:

Crypto domain names serve a similar purpose as DNS on web2 for these identifiers. What's more is that they are directly registered on the Ethereum blockchain (usually) and have an associated NFT corresponding to it, making you the verifiable, true owner of the domain you choose to register. You can then easily use this domain to receive payments, host websites, and build your personal brand.

Y'know, I bet Sam Bankman-Fried owns a crypto domain name 😉

Tldr: Fun fact, if you type 'Sam Bankman-Fried' enough times, a pile of Kentucky Fried Bitcoins will magically appear in front of you. It's true, I swear.

Three more links to close with:

I used to say that I was old enough to remember when "Ponzinomics" was an insult. Now I can say that I'm old enough to remember when it was a compliment. Jkjk, I'm not old. Am I? What is time?

Giveaway question of the week: Sam Bankman-Fried has an amazing haircut — he rocks his curls. What's the wildest haircut you’ve seen lately? Reply to this email with your answer and you'll be entered to win a Ledger Nano S hardware wallet.

Go get 'em killer,
— Taylor

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