Dungeons & Dragons & DeFi • CEO Letter #5

Hey everybody! This is Taylor, CEO of Hedgehog, the service for managing your crypto portfolio without losing your mind. (Unless you want to lose your mind…) Every week I send a note about whatever news caught my eye, exciting developments at Hedgehog, and the latest from our community.

Honestly, that’s the best part. “Conscious capitalism” is cornier than my jokes and a lot less funny, but truly business is a social endeavor. Work is way more rewarding when your efforts are useful to people you know and like.

What I’m saying is, when you guys replied to tell me the names of your dogs, that ruled. Who knew the future held so many opportunities for dog-related token investments? Highlights: Stubborn Tokens ($STUB) in honor of Peanut; and SafeLilScrappy ($SLS… perhaps styled as $L$?), naturally inspired by Lil Scrappy. Swag outta control on these pups.

Crypto stories not to miss:

MetaCartel is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) running on Ethereum that acts as a crowdsourced venture capital firm. The members are called Mages. As Hunter S. Thompson said, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” Really all I have to say about this article is that it’s fantastic and you should read it.

Tldr: Dungeons & Dragons & DeFi.

Cool opportunity: Volt Capital is running a crypto essay contest to find the firm’s next analyst. “When writing, keep in mind your essay should demonstrate a deep understanding of current crypto projects, original thinking, and a thesis around where the space is headed.” The deadline is August 25, and entries on Mirror will be given an advantage.

Tldr: Crypto companies want to find unconventional talent, which requires unconventional strategies! See previous Hunter S. Thompson quote re: weird turning pro.

Side note, Hedgehog investor Dragonfly Capital is also hiring.

Apparently, FTX is on a mission to sponsor every single sports team they can find. Personally, I can’t wait for the FTX-Games, FTXFL, and FTXtreme Bass Fishing.

Tldr: Wanna play a game of FTXFL Blitz?

According to this Yahoo Finance repost of a CoinDesk article, BSV suffered a 51% attack this week. I include this not because I want to talk about BSV, but because it reminds me of my absolute favourite method for defending against this attack, which was employed by Komodo. It’s simple, they just reduce and hash every Komodo block, then put it on the bitcoin blockchain. Yeah, that bitcoin — the bitcoin bitcoin. (Oh shit, there’s gotta be a scam token called Bitcoin Bitcoin by now 😭 If so, that’s not what I’m talking about.)

Tldr: It's good to be king, but it's equally good to just store your stuff in the king's basement rent-free.

Have you heard there’s an official MiamiCoin project now? Like, run by the actual mayor of actual Miami, the city in Florida. Francis Suarez is increasingly gungho about crypto, which is hard to hate even when the results seem kinda goofy. Let’s hope the hype is for the good of Miami in the long run — it very well may be! — and that MiamiCoin has a bright rather than stupid future. This is not investment advice.

Tldr: Welcome to MiamiCoin, I guess?

As you may recall, Hedgehog gives away a Ledger Nano S every week. Last week I asked about your pets, #NoRegrets. This week I wanna ask, what are you looking for in a crypto news roundup? Should I include more technical info and tutorials? Introduce you to different cryptocurrencies and how they work? If you replied to the initial newsletter email telling me what crypto info is useful, then you’ll be entered into the running to win a Ledger Nano S hardware wallet.

Hedgehog Updates

Big changes are happening on Hedgehog! Fresh new portfolio page, check it out:

Balance syncing now includes balances locked in DeFi on Aave, Compound, Cream, Curve, Float, and 20 more. Uniswap and Sushiswap are next on the list. Working on making this balance break-out more clear.  Managed to incorporate this by working with the awesome team at parsec.finance. Their API is incredibly comprehensive, and their team is filled with 100% moon-rocket developers!

Last week, I mentioned that we're working hard to put together guides for connecting to all 130+ exchanges. This week, we're burning that plan with fire and introducing a simpler way of connecting: Login with Coinbase. Moving forward, you can connect your Coinbase account by simply logging into Coinbase.

No api keys. No settings. Just simple.

We'll be working hard to expand our list of supported "Login with X" exchanges and will continue making announcements as we roll them out.

Tldr: Very soon, no more API secrets and all that jazz.

Never give up, never surrender,